
Our 2024-2025 grant cycle will close on December 5, 2024 at NOON
Missed the Nonprofit Information Session? Please review our pre-recorded presentation
What would you do with $100,000?
Impact100 Greater Milwaukee challenges your established nonprofit organization to think creatively about the needs of your community. Dream big, know your plan and how you’ll measure the outcomes, and you could earn a grant to make a transformative, impactful and sustained change in the greater Milwaukee area. Here’s everything you need to know.
Eligibility Requirements
To apply for a grant, your organization must meet the following eligibility requirements.
Be recognized as a tax-exempt charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and have been operating as a 501(c)(3) for a minimum of 36 months prior to applying for the grant.
Be located in Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Washington or Waukesha County. All grant monies must be used for a proposed project or program that provides services to people who live in these geographic areas.
Your total annual revenue must be between $500,000* and $7 million per part 1, line 12 of your 990 form for each of the 3 most recently filed years. Submission of 3 most recently filed 990’s is required. *The minimum revenue threshold has been increased in advance of the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions change in financial reporting requirements.
Have three years of independently prepared financial statements (audited or reviewed).
Expend the full amount of the grant within 24 months of the award.
Your organization’s corporate and charitable licenses with the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions are current at the time you submit your Letter of Inquiry.
Submit only one application each year. An organization that has received a grant of $100,000 from Impact100 Greater Milwaukee may not reapply in the following three years.

Program or Project Eligibility Requirements
Your program must: Be a capital project, new program, expansion of an existing program, or a new or expanded collaborative effort of several nonprofit organizations.
Target a specific population for a specific duration with specific measurable goals.
All programs or projects must fall within one of the following Focus Areas:

Projects or programs that cultivate, develop, educate or enhance the artistic and/or cultural climate in the Greater Milwaukee area.

Projects or programs that improve or advance educational opportunities for children and/or adults in the Greater Milwaukee area.

Projects or programs in the Greater Milwaukee area that 1) preserve, enhance, revitalize or restore facilities, spaces or surroundings; 2) promote the protection and welfare of animals; or 3) encourage conservation.

Projects or programs that positively impact the mental or physical health of people living in the Greater Milwaukee area.

Projects or programs that strengthen or enhance the lives of children, adults and families living in the Greater Milwaukee area.
What Impact100 Greater Milwaukee does not fund
General operating expenses, debt reduction, operating deficits, interim or bridge funding.
Memorials or endowments.
Individuals or private foundations.
Activities that are partisan, legislative or political in nature.
Legal expenses.
Religious-focused projects or programs where the grant is for the principal benefit of the organization’s own members or adherents.
Fund drives, annual appeals or fundraising events.
General capital campaigns unrelated to a specific project or program.
As we grow and evolve, Impact100 Greater Milwaukee reserves the right to change our eligibility requirements without notice at any time.
Running Rebels Gym, funded with Impact100 $100,000 Grant.
How to Apply
Before you apply, please make sure you have thoroughly read the eligibility requirements, above, and the application process, below. If you have any questions about the grant process, please email Please do not call or contact Impact100 Greater Milwaukee members so we may adhere to our confidentiality guidelines during the grant process.
Step 1: Letter of Inquiry
Please complete our online Letter of Inquiry in our Application Portal. Our 2024-2025 grant cycle will open on September 3, 2024 and close on December 5, 2024.
Step 2: Invitation to Submit a Full Proposal
Impact100 Greater Milwaukee reviews Letters of Inquiry and emails all applicants on February 14, 2025 regarding whether or not they are invited to complete a Full Proposal.
Step 3: Full Proposal
Applicants invited to complete a Full Proposal must submit all information by noon, March 6, 2025.
Step 4: Site Visit
Impact100 Greater Milwaukee reviews Full Proposals and emails all applicants regarding whether or not they have been selected for an April site visit.
Step 5: Selection of Finalists
Finalists will be selected in May and invited to make a presentation to the Impact100 Greater Milwaukee Membership at the Annual Awards Celebration on June 4, 2025. Guidelines for the presentations will be provided when finalists are notified.
Step 6: Finalists’ Presentations
Finalists (at least one in each Focus Area) present to the Impact100 Greater Milwaukee Membership at the Annual Awards Celebration held June 4, 2025.
Step 7: Selection of Grantee(s)
After listening to all Finalist presentations at the Annual Awards Celebration, the Impact100 Greater Milwaukee members vote by individual ballot. This vote determines the grant recipient(s).
Step 8: Payment of Grant
Prior to the release of funds, the grantee must sign a Grant Agreement. Impact100 Greater Milwaukee distributes funds in lump sum or installments, depending on the nature of the program or project and the Grant Agreement.
Step 9: Reports and Evaluation
Grantees must report periodically to Impact100 Greater Milwaukee on the progress of their program or project as specified in the Grant Agreement.
Important Dates:
Letter of Inquiry application available online
September 3, 2024
In-Person Information Session for Nonprofits - Recorded Presentation
October 3, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Letters of Inquiry due
December 5, 2024
Invitation to submit Full Proposal sent to select applicants
February 14, 2025
Full Proposals due
March 6, 2025
Site Visits scheduled
April 7 - April 15, 2025
Finalists announced
May 9, 2025
Finalists’ presentations and Annual Awards Celebration
June 4, 2025